Bison – Promocja 10€ w BTC za Free

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Bison – Promocja 10€ w BTC za Free

Poniżej znajdziesz instrukcję do aplikacji BISON, Jeśli ją już masz tę aplikację to się cieszę. Jeśli jednak nie masz to zapoznaj się z promocją.

W kilku słowach o aplikacji:

Sama aplikacja jest bardzo ciekawa i wynagradza nowych użytkowników bonusem w wysokości 10€

Pozwala na szybki jak i sprzedaż zakup Bitcoina za pośrednictwem Solaris Bank.

Co należy zrobić?

  1. Link otwierasz na telefonie. Przeniesie on do sklepu Gogle Play celem zainstalowania aplikacji.

(nie rob na czysto ze sklepu, bo nie zaliczy polecenia)

  1. Rejestrujesz się i przechodzisz weryfikacje video za pomocą IDcheck – dowód i rachunek do potwierdzenia adresu. Należy wydrukować dokument ( rachunek, wyciąg z banku może być Revolut)
  2. Po weryfikacji robisz depozyt i robisz zakup na 105 euro
  3. Automatycznie po obrocie na 100 euro doliczy Ci 10 euro w BTC.
  4. Sprzedajesz i możesz wypłacić na konto, bądź przesłać na swój portfel BTC .

Za polecenie aplikacji dostajesz 10 EUR w BTC, a każdy polecony 10 EUR w BTC po wykonaniu obrotu.

Jeśli zdecydujesz się na tę promocję i otrzymasz BONUS, wrzuć mi informację, że wszystko poszło jak należy i ile bonusu otrzymałeś/aś.


Duration: Beginning on April 1st, 2023, at 00:00, ending on August 31st, 2023, at 23.59

By participating in this program, you are giving consent to the following terms and conditions:

All BISON users of EUWAX AG (BISON users) who, at the time of participation, have their residence or permanent address in Germany, have successfully completed the corresponding registration process, and have been activated (“BISON users”) may participate in the BISON Refer-a-Friend Program. A subsequent registration and activation do not entitle users to participate.

Those employed by a company belonging to the Stuttgart Stock Exchange group are excluded from participation.

BISON users will receive the premium described in this promotion in exchange for having successfully referred a new customer.

New customers are only eligible if they are of legal age, are not yet registered users of EUWAX AG BISON, and have their residence or permanent address in Germany.

The premium is awarded upon the conclusion of a contract between the referred new customer and EUWAX AG for use of BISON, as well as related contracts with blocknox GmbH and Solaris SE for use of BISON.

A referred new customer is defined as a new BISON user who registers following the direct referral of a current BISON user, using the provided link and the provided invite-a-friend code, and who successfully completes the further verification process (KYC) via BISON and becomes activated. Furthermore, it is required that a BISON account is opened at our partner bank, Solaris SE, and that a deposit in EUR is made to this BISON account. It is also required that a trading volume of 100 EUR in cryptocurrencies is reached within 30 days after registration.

The referred person will receive the premium described in the promotion, provided that he or she registers as a new user of BISON in response to the referral of a BISON user using the provided link and the provided invite-a-friend code. They must also enter that invite-a-friend code and successfully complete the further verification process (KYC) via BISON and become activated. Furthermore, it is required that a deposit in EUR is made by him or her to their BISON account at Solaris SE. It is also required that a trading volume of 100 EUR in cryptocurrencies is reached within 30 days after registration.

A new customer can only be referred once; you cannot be referred more than once, even by different BISON users. A direct cash payment of the premium is not possible.

It is not permitted to pass on the provided promotion link to unknown or undefined groups of people (e.g. by publishing it in internet forums, voucher platforms, etc.) or to use it in the context of affiliated or comparable activities. In the event of violations, EUWAX AG reserves the right to exclude the person concerned from the premium program and/or to demand the return of premiums.

EUWAX AG reserves the right to change or amend the BISON Refer-a-Friend Program and the Terms and Conditions of Participation if deemed necessary in the interest of simple and secure processing – particularly to prevent misuse – and provided that the participants are not disadvantaged by this contrary to good faith.

In the event that the Terms and Conditions of Participation are changed, the Terms and Conditions of Participation at the time the new customer was registered and activated as a user of BISON shall apply.

This offer is only valid in Germany. German law applies.

Please note the following information:

Referral messages within the BISON Refer-A-Friend program contain advertising content. Recipients may feel bothered by such messages. Before sending one, you must therefore ensure that the recipient has given their consent to receiving such messages and that you are able to prove this. If recipients have not given their consent, no referral messages may be sent as part of the BISON Refer-A-Friend program. If a message is nevertheless sent without any prior consent, recipients can take legal action against the act. According to the conditions of participation in the BISON Refer-A-Friend program, the sending of referral messages without prior consent from the recipient leads to a user’s exclusion from premium entitlement.

In order to prevent any misuse, EUWAX AG will store the identification data (tax ID) of each user for a period of one year. If third parties can demonstrate that their rights have been violated by the sending of a referral message within the scope of this offer, EUWAX AG will hand over the identification data to third parties for legal prosecution, provided that a corresponding claim exists. By sending the message, you disclose that you are a customer of EUWAX AG. Depending on the settings of your e-mail client, messages may be sent unencrypted.

If you are using a messenger service to send the referral, please take note of the data protection and usage information affiliated with that provider. Depending on the messenger service, third parties may take notice of the content of the transmitted data, and the provider may then grant themselves rights of use to said content. Depending on the messenger service used, it is also possible that transmitted content is sent unencrypted.

Nota Prawna

Treść materiałów na kanale YouTube:  Marek Porwoł oraz artykułów, wszelkich tekstówprezentacjinagrań audio i video w domenie i mają wyłącznie charakter informacyjnoedukacyjnyNie stanowią „rekomendacji” i treści NIE są poradą inwestycyjną w rozumieniu Rozporządzenia Ministra Finansów z dnia 19.10.2005 r. w sprawie informacji stanowiących rekomendacje dotyczące instrumentów finansowych lub ich emitentów (Dz. U. z 2005 r. Nr 206, poz. 1715).r

Treści te mają charakter informacyjno- edukacyjny i są wyrazem moich osobistych poglądów. Niemniej jednak prezentowane treści mogą być pomocne w zarabianiu oraz marketingu online. Nie stanowią one jednak porad inwestycyjnych.

Żadna z instrukcji i filmów przedstawionych NIE daje GWARANCJI zysku ani chociażby odzyskania wpłaconych pieniędzy. Pieniądze te NIE są gwarantowane ani przez Bankowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny, ani przez jakąkolwiek instytucję lub firmę. Także ja nie gwarantuje Ci ani zysku, ani odzyskania wkładu.

Pamiętaj też, że żaden sposób na zarabianie pieniędzy etat, biznes tradycyjny, inwestycja, czy biznes online lub kryptowaluty NIE dają nigdy 100% gwarancji zarobku. Dlatego ja też takiej gwarancji Ci NIE dam!


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